Our Philosophy

Why we do what we do can be summarised into 4 headings. Our belief, our mission, our pillars and our values.

Our Belief

We are living through a period of immense change. Whether it be AI, technology, social media, climate change, pandemics, war, the changing world of work, political insecurity, the rise of nationalism, and so much more. These challenges face us all as global citizens and have contributed to a decline in mental and physical health.
But they are all too often reported on, amongst the white noise of the media, in a way that makes us think about them as abstract and somehow disconnected from our own lives. There is one thing that they all have in common though. All of this, no matter how big, how tough, how challenging, all of these global changes will be felt by us as individuals.

Mainstream education finds itself ill-equipped to respond and we are ill equipped to deal with these challenges. People are less resilient, more isolated and spending increasing amounts of time online and inside.

This is where exposure to adventure comes in. It’s adventure that gives us the skills and the character traits we need to cope in this fast-changing world. Grit, courage, determination, resilience, empathy, communication, trust, Improved physical and psychological health, growing as an individual, developing key life skills, becoming more socially responsible, learning about our fragile world. Adventure, shared or solo, guided or not can give us these skills.

It is our aim to facilitate as many adventurous experiences as possible. Experiences that promote the development of personal growth, helping people navigate their own way, find their own path and step forward into the future with confidence. Adventure and challenge set in inspirational outdoor environments, coupled with our unrivalled experience, provide the ideal platform for the accelerated learning & growth which is at the very core of what we deliver.

 Our mission

Creating change through adventure

Our Pillars
Adventure, Environment, learning, people

Our Values
Passion, Respect, Sustainability, Safety